Delivery Preparations

Dates, EPO, Gentle Birth Tincture, and my trusty Epi-No which I 100% credit for a no-tear, natural birth!

Besides the gestational diabetes, I was lucky to have an otherwise unremarkable pregnancy. I prepared for birth in a multi-dimensional way – physically by using an EpiNo (shipped from a dear friend in Germany as the U.S. does not sell these! Horrible!) and taking lots of long (5+ miles) walks in the weeks leading up; mentally by enrolling in a Hypnobirthing course and completing the Positive Birth Company digital pack; spiritually by writing Hypnobirthing inspired mantras on cards and tacking those up on my mirror, next to the bed and around the house; and emotionally, by journaling frequently and working to build a strong, high trust connection with my husband and doula aka my birth partners.

While my pregnancy was healthy and largely uneventful, there were the hurdles. My OB saying my baby would be too big, and that I may need a C-Section (this was soon after the GD diagnosis and definitely sparked fear and uneasiness, particularly after learning in Hypno to trust that my baby would fit my body). I also ended up getting induced after a routine non-stress test (NST). None of this was part of the plan, but I stayed on track mentally, emotionally, spiritually by sticking to a plan and carrying with me the knowledge that I had done my best to prepare for the “marathon”. I found delivery to be exhausting, exhilarating, and empowering beyond measure.

Here’s how I prepared:

  • At 35 weeks, I started taking Gentle Birth Tincture w/o blue cohosh to help tone my uterus and prepare for a smooth delivery
    • Note: not advised for those with high blood pressure
  • At 36 weeks, I started eating 6-7 Medjool dates each day (2-3 at a time, usually with greek yogurt due to the GD) to prepare my body to create more effective uterine contractions
    • This may have worked! When I went in at 39 weeks, I was already 3 cm dilated and 60% effaced! Here is a great article on using date fruits to induce labor.
  • At 37 weeks, I started evening primrose oil (EPO) suppository pills to help with cervical ripening and readying
    • Several studies have shown EPO plays a role in natural labor induction – here is a great summary from one of my favorite sites, Evidence-Based Birth
  • At 37 weeks, I started stretching the birth canal muscles through daily 10 min. sessions with the EpiNo (note: not available for purchase in the U.S.)
  • At 38 weeks, I started traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture to help “move the baby down”
    • Studies suggest acupuncture can help relieve labor pain, promote natural contractions, shorten the delivery process and prevent post-partum complications  
  • At 40 weeks, my doula gave me the best massage of my life that I felt moved things along – baby boy was dancing around the entire time. I felt relaxed and ready to go, and ended up giving birth four days later!

All of this preparation turned out to be worth it (for me)! Here is how my birth turned out.